to be the pillar for the healthy growth and to the struggle against the increasing concentration of
enhancement of a family structure from a total economic power associated with more worries, less
perspective. Economic upheaval or status is a factor, sufficiency etc. It is therefore concluded, by referring
which is overt and can be seen directly affecting the to the results of the study that the socioeconomic
personality of an individual. status plays a pivotal role in the personality makeup of
Since, the present investigation dealt with a study the individuals.
of personality characteristics through the contribution It can be suggested on the basis of the present
of participants socioeconomic status, therefore the study that a person belonging to lower SES has less
result of the present study reveals that the participants opportunities to develop healthy personality traits
belonging to the higher SES are scoring high on most which can help him in his future success. So we should
of the CPI scales, followed by middle class and the keep a soft approach towards lower SES people i.e. in
lower class respectively. While on MMPI, lower class not setting a rigid criteria for selection of candidates
has secured the highest percentage, followed by for jobs, giving admission in school etc. Similarly
middle class and the upper class on the neurotic triad. government schools should improve their teaching so
This trend of the data endorses hypothesis: that that the class difference in education at least is
participants belonging to upper class would score minimized.
highest on CPI and would score low on the neurotic
triad of MMPI. References
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scales and the highest on the neurotic triad of MMPI. Atherley, C. A. (1991). The effects of academic
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Consulting Psychologists Press.
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