*Sumaira Iqbal and Saira Maqsood

Lahore Garrison University Lahore-Pakistan

The present study aimed to investigate relationship between self-esteem and self-efficacy among news casters and news reporters and to compare both groups in self-esteem and self-efficacy. It was hypothesized that 1) there is likely to be a relationship between self-esteem and self-efficacy in newscasters and news reporters, 2) there is likely to be a difference in self-esteem and self-efficacy among newscasters and news reporters and 3) self-esteem is likely to predict self-efficacy in newscasters and news reporters. It was correlational with cross-sectional research design. The sample comprised of 100 participants (50= News-Casters; 50= News Reporters)of age range 25-45 years (M= 25,SD= 79, News-Casters; M= 25, SD=33.3, News Reporters) from different news rooms and print media offices. Rosenberg self-esteem scale (Rosenberg, 1965) and General self-efficacy scale (Schwarzer, 1981) were used to collect data. The results of Pearson Product Moment Correlation showed significant positive relationship between self-esteem and self-efficacy in newscasters and news reporters. The results of independent sample t-test showed non- significant difference in news casters and news reporters regarding self- esteem and self-efficacy. Further, Results of regression analysis showed that self-esteem positively predicts the self-efficacy in news casters and news reporters. Results have important implications for newscasters and news reporters to manage their self-esteem and self-efficacy in order to enhance their self-image and job performance.

Keywords: Self-esteem, Self-efficacy, Newscasters, News Reporters, Self-image, Job Performance.

Self-esteem is defined as “global feelings of self-worth, or a generalized feeling of self-acceptance, goodness, worthiness, and self- respect” (Crocker & Major, 1989).It is additionally characterized as "judgment one makes about their self-idea (McEachron, 1993). "Mental self-portrait" states to the qualities single has (McEachron, 1993).Rosenberg characterizes self-esteem as the “demeaner one holds toward themselves as a question (McEachron, 1993). To put it plainly, Rosenberg trusted that self-esteem was quantifiable by means of surveying a subject’s state of mind about themselves as a “thing”.

Self-esteem is how an individual realize her/himself and in what way he/she sense about his/her successes. Healthy self-esteem is vital as it stretches an individual the bravery to attempt novel possessions and the control to trust in him/herselves. It leads to him/her respecting his/her selves, level after he/she create errors. Once he/she admiration his/her selves, other people usually respect them too (Olson et. al., 2007).Healthy self-esteem helps people make good choices about their mind and body. It leads to them valuing their health, feelings and safety.Healthy self-confidence aids them distinguish that each portion of them is worth caring for and protecting (Olson et. al., 2007).

People with low self-esteem tend to view their life differently. They most often have negative view about the life. Their negative perspectives can bring about the conviction that they are useless (Crocker, 2006). This may lead them to feel sad and not to advance much exertion on the ground as their encounters may view as trivial (Burke, 2008).

Just like self-esteem, self-efficacy is also a key feature of one’s personality. Self-efficacy is defined as one's confidence in its capacity to play out a specific role to accomplish a certain objective (Bramante, 2015). It is characterized as individuals' convictions about their abilities to deliver assigned levels of execution that practice impact over the occasions to influence their lives. Self-efficacy convictions decide how individuals feel, think, propel themselves and act (Bandura, 1994).

Higher self-efficacy is moreover linked by extra steadiness’s, an attribute which licenses to an individual near increase remedial meetings that fortify their sensation of self-efficacy (Banduras, 1977).

Newscasters and news reporters are the main ingredients of news channels so it’s very important for them to maintain or balance their self- esteem and self-efficacy so that they perform in a good manner.A newscaster is a presenter of news bulletin who is himself or herself a working journalist and news gatherer as well as participants in compiling the script to be delivered in a news bulletin (Zachariah, 2009). A news presenter is, broadly speaking, a person that presents a news show or television, radio or the internet. These presenters were referred to as commentators. The term newscaster came into common use to distinguish presenters of straight news broadcasts from commentators.Many newscasters are also involved in writing and or editing the news for their programs (Zachariah, 2009).

The job of a reporter is to gather news and write it for his organization. To be a goodreporter one isneeded to have common sense and command over languages.Each journalist needs to have news sense and eye for news-to recognize news from non-news. He ought to have the capacity to think about different news values and choose where to start his story and ought not to miss vital points of interest. A reporter has clarity of mind and expression. A reporter strives for correctness. He must plaid and rechecks his truths till he is fulfilled that he has them precise (Shrivastava, 1991).

The current research was conducted to investigate the differences of self-esteem and self-efficacy in newscasters and news reporters and also find out the relationship between self-esteem and self-efficacy. There were a number of researches relating to the self-esteem and self- efficacy.

Self-esteem is one of the main concern in the research related to job performance or job satisfaction. Self-esteem is defined as “global feelings of self-worth, or a generalized feeling of self-acceptance, goodness, worthiness, and self-respect” (Crocker & Major, 1989).As followed by the research conducted by Inkson, (1978) examined the relationship between job performance and job satisfaction with self- esteem as a moderator. This research was conducted on a group of (n=93) meat-processing workers. It was found though the research that self- esteem practiced a significant directing impact on connections amongst performance and natural fulfillment.However, it is proved that higher level of self-esteem directly improves job performance which means newscasters and news reporters with higher self-esteem performs very well.

As like above research which shows the self-esteem directly improves job performance: this research also shows the impact of self- esteem and job execution. Healthy self-esteem helps people make good choices about their mind and body. It leads to them valuing their health, feelings and safety. (Olson et. al., 2007). Ferris et al, (2010) studied that self-esteem and professionperformance and the directing part of self- esteem possibilities. The research was conducted on job employees. It was found that impact of self-esteem level directed the significance of profession performance and job holders with high self-esteem performed up to the mark and employees with low self-esteem performed not well in their professions. However, it was proved that newscasters and news reporters with high self-esteem performs fine in their field. Low self- esteem leads to poor performance.

Self-esteem is affected by different kinds of factors such as personal, temporal, economic and as well by cultural factors. These factors influence on newscasters and news reporter’s self-esteem. Awan&Sitwat (2014) conducted a research to investigate the relationship between working environment profound sense of being, self-esteem and mental prosperity and to research the indicators of mental prosperity in emotional well-being experts. The research sample was comprised of (n=120) emotional well-being experts in which incorporates (n=30) therapists, (n=30) specialists, (n=30) medical caretakers and (n=30) orderlies were enrolled from various Hospitals and Clinics of Lahore. Purposive Sampling strategy was utilized in the review. The results of the review uncovered huge positive relationship of working environment most profound sense of being and self-esteem with mental prosperity among emotional wellness experts. Self-esteem and working environment otherworldly existence were indicators of mental prosperity.

Self-esteem’s results have been discussed now the research is persuading towards the self-efficacy’s relationship and importance in human performances. Self-efficacy is as important as self-esteem: it also influence on one’sbeliefs. Self-efficacy is defined as one's confidence in its capacity to play out a specific role to accomplish a certain objective (Bramante, 2015). Norton, (2013) conducted a study on principle examination concerning the self-efficacy beliefs of teachers. The research was conducted on (n=12) secondary school teachers from public secondary schools. It was found that teachers believed that they would not remain in the profession if they felt they were not making a difference in the students’ lives. The attitude of surroundings teachers, collective self-efficacy, and students impacted their self-efficacy.This will not be good to say that only self-esteem is responsible for newscasters and news reporter’s inner personality but also self-efficacy plays an important role in newscasters and news reporter’s beliefs.

In another research related self-efficacy Khalid and Zubair, (2014) examined that emotional intelligence, self-efficacy, and creativity among employees of advertising agencies. The research sample was 205 employees of advertising agencies men (n=155) and women (n=50) with ages ranging from 20-65 years. It was found that emotional intelligence, self-efficacy, and creativity were positively related with each other among employees of advertising agencies. Also indicate that emotional intelligence and self-efficacy were found to be significant predictors of creativity. Findings showed that creative directors and art directors showed significantly higher creativity than other job holders. Moreover, employees with extended job experience expressed greater emotional intelligence, higher self-efficacy, and elevated levels of creativity as compared to their counterparts. So, it was proved that self-efficacy also one of the important ingredient of newscasters and news reporter’s personality because it relates with emotional intelligence and creativity.

Problem Statement

Worldwide, hospitals are increasingly aware of the need to concentrate on quality service to improve and sustain the society. it is rather unfortunate that Nigerians seek medical care abroad, they migrate in mass out of Nigeria giving reasons such as searching for good jobs, good living condition and above all good medical care. To buttress this statement, as at the time of this study, the president of Nigeria is out of the country to seek adequate medical attention Oversea. It has been observed that the migration rate of people to Canada is on the increase. One would wonder why the rush to Canada? Could it be that they seek for better living condition or due to health expectation which could not be met in Nigeria? It is on this note that this study examined the health care expectations of patients in Nigeria and Canada. This study would ensure that patients’ expectations are continually assessed and well managed by health workers. The Government of both countries would be able to determine through the findings of this study, the priority of patients’ expectationsand what measures could be adopted to ensure that patients are satisfied.


Media is considered to be the fourth pillar of the society; News casters and news reporters are one of the important part of society. It provides the information of the world. Self-esteem and self-efficacy are two major factors that affect news casters and news reporter’s life. Self- esteem is the feeling about our self, feeling confident about own appearance, job and satisfied from our life styles. Self-efficacy is a belief on their own capacity, belief to complete the task or job.The reason for conducting this research is that we can determine how the self-esteem and self-efficacy affects newscasters and news reporters psychologically and whether it causes damage their public, job-related or else further vital area of operative. Especially in Pakistan TV channels cast newscasters and news reporters on demand. In Pakistan everyone must watches news channels to update their selves about daily routine. The sensitivity of the newscasters and news reporters matters a lot to deliver the news. That’s why their self-esteem and self-efficacy should be in balance. If anyone has low self-esteem and self-efficacy then they will get disturb psychologically so that they will exaggerate the news that could have negative consequences.

Purpose of study

The main purpose of the study was to get a clearer picture of the difference between self-esteem and self-efficacy among newscasters and news reporters and also to examine the relationship between the self- esteem and self-efficacy in newscasters and news reporters.

Hypotheses of the Study


Research Design

In the present study A×B×A single case research design was used to determine the efficacy of Imagery re-scripting in treating patients who experience childhood sexual abuse and later suffer from Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Sample and Sampling Strategy

The sample size was comprised of 50 newscasters and 50 news reporters. The sample was taken from the different news providing agencies, news rooms and channels like Geo news, City 42, Aaj news, Neo tv, Din news, Royal tv, 92 news HD, Dunya news, Channel 24, Samaa news, Abbtak news, Waqt news and Nawaiwaqt.The age range of the sample was 25-45 years (M= 25, SD= 79, News-Casters; M= 25, SD= 33.3, News Reporters) and they all fit in with distinctive status. Non- probability purposive sampling strategy was used for the selection of the participants which is typical of population with regard to characteristics used observation. The participants included both males and females. Newscasters and news reporters with any kind of physical disability were excluded.

Assessment Measures

Demographic Sheet.

Demographic information consisted of age, monthly income, gender, profession, marital status and socioeconomic status for both newscasters and news reporters.

Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale.

Rosenberg self-esteem scale developed by a sociologist Rosenberg (1965) was used to measure the self-esteem of news casters and news reporters. It consists of 10 items and is 4-point Likert type scale. Responses categories range from strongly agree to strongly disagree and are scored as 1,2,3,4. There is also reverse score item which scored as 4,3,2,1 respectively.The reliability of Rosenberg self-esteem scale according to original author was ranged from 0.77 and in current research it was 0.50 (Rosenberg, 1965).

General Efficacy Scale.

General self-efficacy scale was developed by Schwarzer and Jerusalem in 1981. It was designed to assess the strength of an individual’s belief in his or her own ability to respond to novel or difficult situations and to deal with any associated obstacles or setbacks. It consists of 10 items.It is a 4-point rating scale as of “Not all true” which marks 1 to “Exactly true” which scores 4. The reliability of General Self-Efficacy Scale according to original authorswas between .76 and .90 and in current research it was 0.91 (Schwarzer& Jerusalem, 1981).


Prior permission from the authors of the scales was taken. Permissions letters were signed from the Director of the Institute of Applied Psychology, Lahore Garrison University to conduct the research. Data were collected from the participants by employing purposive sampling technique. Importance of the research and nature of the measures were also explained to the participants. The consent form was taken from the participants. Participants were assured that all of their information will be kept confidential. The participants had full right to leave at any time from participation and there was no penalty to withdraw from the research. After completing the questionnaires, participants were thanked for participation. The results were analyzed through SPSS and were reported honestly.


Descriptive statistics and internal consistencies of Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and General Self-Efficacy Scale are presented in table 1.

Table 1

It was hypothesized that there is likely to be a relationship between self-esteem and self-efficacy in news casters and news reporters. Pearson Product Moment Correlation analysis was run to determine the relationship (see table 2).

Table 2

Results showed significant positive relationship between self- esteem and self-efficacy in newscasters and news reporters. It was hypothesized that there is likely to be a difference in self- esteem and self-efficacy in news casters and news reporters. To study the differences Independent Sample t-test was run. The results are presented in table 3.

Table 3

Results showed non-significant difference in self-esteem and self- efficacy among newscasters and news reporters indicating that newscasters and news reporters have same level of self-esteem and self- efficacy. It was hypothesized that self-esteem is likely to predict self- efficacy in news casters and news reporters. To check this prediction, Simple Linear Regression Analysis was run. The results are presented in table 4.

Table 4

The results showed that self-esteem positively predicted the self- efficacy in news casters and news reporters.


The present study was intended to explore the relationship between self-esteem and self-efficacy in newscasters and news reporters and is also study the differences of self-esteem and self-efficacy in both groupsresults indicated that there was no difference of self-esteem and self-efficacy among newscasters and news reporters. Azar and Vasudeva (2006) conducted a research to explore that the level of self-esteem and self-efficacy are same in professionals and it supports our findings that self-esteem and self-efficacy has no difference.

Self-esteem is related to many variables being like self-concept Canrinus, Lorenz, Beijaard, Buitink&Hofman (2012) conducted research on Self-efficacy, job satisfaction, motivation and commitment: exploring the relationships between indicators of teachers’ professional identity to investigate how relevant indicators of teacher’s sense of their professional identity (job satisfaction, occupational commitment, self- efficacy and change in level of motivation) are related. A model is proposed, tested with structural equation modeling and refined using data from 1,214 Dutch teachers working in secondary education. They revealed that self-efficacy level was same in different class level of teachers and it satisfied teacher’s professional identity like our findings.

Results of correlation analysis on newscasters and news reporters showed that self-esteem and self-efficacy significant positively associated with each other. If the previous writings on self-esteem and self-efficacy was searched, it is consistent in current findings as Pahlavani and Nezhad (2015) conducted a research in which they researched the relationship between self-esteem with procrastination and self-efficacy among bosses of Professional and specialized Organization of Zahedan. The Sample volume was chosen to be 217 people on the premise of Morgan table by the technique for arbitrary inspecting for gathering information, the self- esteem, hesitation, and self-efficacy convictions were utilized. For investigating information, the Pearson correlation was utilized. The aftereffect of Pearson relationship considers demonstrated that there was a positive and significant connection between self-esteem grades and diversion. Likewise, the relationship between self-esteem and self- efficacy was certain and significant in newscasters and news reporters which is also support our findings as well.

Results also showed that among newscasters and news reporter, self-esteem predicted self-efficacy. Previous researchers also found these results on their researches. Awan&Sitwat (2014) conducted a research to investigate the predictors of mental prosperity in emotional well-being experts. The members were comprised of 120 psychological wellness experts in which incorporates (n=30) psychiatrists, (n=30)specialists, (n=30) medical attendants and (n=30)supervisors were enlisted from various Hospitals and Clinics of Lahore. Results revealed that Self- esteem and work environment otherworldly existence were indicators of mental prosperity.

It is concluded that there is no difference between newscasters and news reporters regarding self-esteem and self-efficacy where there was no relevant data found to support our findings. Current study also concluded that there is a relation between self-esteem and self-efficacy among newscasters and news reporters. Results also showed that self- esteem predict self-efficacy among newscasters and news reporters.


It is concluded that there is no difference between newscasters and news reporters regarding self-esteem and self-efficacy where there was no relevant data found to support our findings. Current study also concluded that there is a relation between self-esteem and self-efficacy among newscasters and news reporters. Results also showed that self- esteem predict self-efficacy among newscasters and news reporters.





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