Psychosocial Correlates of Speech-Language Impairment in the Context of Bilingual Learning Environment in a Multi-Cultural Setting
Language impairment is a major social and health problem. Most of the speech problems are the result of psychosocial correlates in cross-cultural / cross-linguistic perspectives. Hypotheses were formulated relevant to pro-active mother-child verbal transaction,
bilingual families, medium of instruction, and religious institutions (madressahs). Research entailed a questionnaire administered on speech-language disorders at the educational institutions / and OPD referrals, diagnosed as speech- language disorders, non-organic in Karachi SouthWest District. The data so collected were subjected to chi-square testing. In terms of the stated objectives, overall results of the research study supported two of the hypotheses pertaining to proactive mother-child verbal transaction, and madressah education (religious institution / school), whereas the other hypotheses remained deficient of the required support for the hypothesized variables like mother-father tongue compatibility i.e. monolingual families and medium of instruction.

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