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The authors maintain the copyright for all works published in the Pakistan Journal of Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. The authors are required to transfer the copyrights of the material in favour of the journal Pakistan Journal of Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, Centre for Clinical Psychology, University of the Punjab Lahore, Pakistan. Everybody can read the paper for free because it is distributed under an open access Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0). Additionally,by submitting a manuscript to PJPPRP, the author (s) ensures and confirms to the following:

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The authors maintain the copyright for all works published in the Pakistan Journal of Professional Psychology: Research and Practice (PJPPRP). Everybody can read the paper for free because it is distributed under an open access Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0). Additionally, as long as the original published version is correctly attributed, the article may be repurposed and quoted. These guidelines ensure that the writers are given due credit while allowing for the greatest possible use and visibility of the work. 

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