Our Publication Ethics and Malpractice statement is largely based on guidelines and recommendations created by the Committee on Publication Ethics. To guarantee high-quality scientific studies in the field, the editors of the Pakistan Journal of Professional Psychology: Research and Practice uphold a rigorous peer-review procedure along with strict ethical principles and standards.


Unfortunately, instances of plagiarism, data fabrication or falsification, picture manipulation, redundant publication, duplicate submission, improper authorship attribution, unreported conflicts of interest, ethical issues do occur. Such publishing ethics concerns are taken extremely seriously by the editors of the PJPPRP, who are trained to act in such situations with a zero-tolerance approach.


Researchers should conduct their study in accordance with the best practices and codes of conduct of relevant bodies and/or national and international regulatory authorities, from the research proposal stage to publication. However, in the few instances where the journal notices a potential ethical problem or misconduct, adhering to the rules will assist manage any potential consequences of a violation of the standards of conduct.


Pakistan Journal of Professional Psychology: Research and Practice strongly adheres to the recommendations and Guidelines of Committee on Publication Ethics  in investigating and dealing with allegations of misconduct to ensure research integrity.


Authors wishing to publish with PJPPRP must stand by the following:

  • Authors need to present their research findings in an accurate manner including the significance of the study.
  • Methods and procedure used in the study should be stated clearly in a manner that researcher aspiring to replicate the work, could do it with ease.
  • Before submitting their manuscript, the authors should publicly deposit the raw data. If required by the referees or journal editors, authors must have at least the raw data on hand. Additionally, authors must make sure that the necessary steps are done to preserve raw data completely for a fair period of time after publication.
  • Manuscripts submitted simultaneously to multiple journals are not accepted.
  • It is not acceptable to republish non-novel content (for instance, an English translation of a work that has already been published in another language would not be allowed).
  • Assuming that after their work was published, the authors discovered mistakes and inconsistencies. In that scenario, they must be immediately reported to the journal's editors so that the proper course of action can be done.
  • The manuscript you submit to  our journal for publication should not contain any previously publised material. If there is a need to include previously published material such as figures, or images then required permission should be obtained from the copyright holder to publish under the CC-BY license.  
  • If any image or figure manipulation is identified during the peer-review process then the journal may reject the manuscript. If such manipulation is identified confirmed after publication, we may correct or retract the paper.
  • The manuscript submitted for publication should not be plagiarized including self plagiarism. PJPPRP strcitly monitors the plagiarism issues through plagiarism report generated b authentic software such as Turnitin. However, if the issue of plagiarism will be detected during the course of manuscript review then the manuscript may be rejected. If the plagiarism is detected after the publication then the journal will publish a correction or retract the paper. To get more information to avoid plagiarism please follow the link of Guide to Ethical Writing, APA Ethical Guidelines related to pagiarism and APA referencing style.
  • Duplicate or redundant publications will also not be processed and appropriate actions will be taken by the journal team. When the same study is submitted to two or more journals simaultaneously or may be with a year gap for publication, this is considered duplicate publication. If the parts of the study is ubmitted to two or more journals or ifindings of the study have previously been published elsewhere without proper cross-referencing, justification, or permission, this is considered as redundant publication. The author should follow transparency by the author on the use of past published work.


All allegations related to the issues of misconduct will be seriously investigated during initial editorial review process and we may contact authors, fundres or institution if required. Appropriate actions will be taken to correct or retract the manuscript. 

For the details of Ethical issues see Ethiccal Guidelines for Auhtors.