Information For Authors

For Authors

Pakistan journal of Professional psychology Research and Practice offers a venue for the publication of the most cutting-edge scientific research in numerous branches of psychology as an international, multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal. We encourage the publication of innovative empirical studies.

Editorial Evaluation Process and Timeline

Literary Editors thoroughly assess each coming submission, and we make every effort to respond to you promptly and finish the thorough review process within eight to twelve months by doing the following actions:

Preparation of Manuscript:
Articles written only in English language are accepted for publication. Authors should prepare manuscripts according to the latest edition of publication manual of the American Psychological Association (APA-7). A manuscript should not exceed 4000 words with maximum 30 references. Spellings should follow Webster's Dictionary or Oxford English Dictionary. All submissions including review articles must be submitted in Microsoft Word Document file having: A title, left aligned, Font size 12, Font type Time New Roman, double-spaced text with a page margin of 1 inch from all round.

The document file contains embedded versions of all graphics (with pertinent captions), figures, and tables (with appropriate names, fonts, descriptions, and footnotes).

The contribution hasn't been published before and isn't being considered by another journal (unless a justification is given in Comments to the Editor).

Cover Page
Author(s) is required to submit the manuscript with a cover page having the title of the manuscript, name(s) of author(s) in order of their substantial contribution (order of authorship), corresponding author’s information for future correspondence and details of the institute where the research work is carried out. There should be no information related to author(s) in the manuscript other than the cover page to facilitate double blind review.

Abstract should range between 120-150 words for all articles except review articles. An abstract should be presented as a concise summary of the whole paper, not just the conclusion. It should state the purpose of the study, hypotheses, method, analysis, major findings and conclusion. Keywords should be included right below the abstract.

Introduction should contain theoretical framework, rational of the study, review of updated and relevant researches. Objectives and hypotheses are required to be clearly stated. No heading is allowed in this section.

Method section must include: Research design, a description of sample, assessment measures, procedure and ethical considerations of data collection. Only headings used in this chapter are Assessment measures (if any) and Procedure.

Results are required to be presented in logical sequence in the text, tables and illustrations (Figures). Do not repeat the textual description of data which is already presented in the table or figures; emphasize on only important ones. Tables, figures and illustrations must be prepared according to the APA's prescribed latest format. Each table must have a title & be numbered in sequence.


Discuss the major findings of the study, emphasize new and important aspects, future implications and a conclusion that follow from them. Repetition of the material from Introduction and Results section should be avoided.

All the in-text citations should be included in the reference list. References should be formatted according the APA's latest manual in the text and list of references. Total number of references should not exceed 30.

Plagiarism Report
A Plagiarism Report indicating a similarity index < 19% must be submitted.

Note: It should be clear to the author(s) that editorial board of PJPPRP has the right accept or reject a submitted manuscript at any stage and also to edit the manuscript for accuracy and precision. Authors are also directed to visit Ethical Guidelines section Ethical Guidlines for Authors for further information.   


If you are submitting a revised manuscript, please upload it through the Pakistan journal of professional psychology online journal system (OJS). It must contain the following:

Response to reviewers

This needs to include:

  • Responses to all reviewer and editor comments.
  • A tabular list of the modifications made to the manuscript
  • Name this file "response to reviewers" and upload on the OJS.

Manuscript revision (Marked-up Copy)

The changes that have been made since the original submission should be clearly visible in this copy. Please upload the 'Revised Article' with the changes noted in the file using the 'Track Changes' feature in Microsoft Word.

Manuscript revision (clear copy)

A clean copy of your updated document that does not highlight your changes should be uploaded. As your "Manuscript" file, upload this.