Pakistan Journal of Professional Psychology: Research and Practice

Pakistan Journal of Professional Psychology: Research and Practice (PJPPRP) encourages articles from different specializations in psychology and allied discipline covering all aspects of human behavior. Although original articles based on empirical data are preferred, brief reports, review articles and single case studies are also considered for publication in the Pakistan Journal of Professional Psychology: Research and Practice (PJPPRP). Our Journal Welcomes articles from all parts of the world, participation from developing countries is also greeted.

Types of Articles:

Research articles employing quantitative and qualitative methods are accepted in the journal.

Why Publish in PJPPRP?

  • Swift paper and online publication
  • Discoverable in the prominent indexing databases
  • Worldwide reach for research utilization
  • Expert Editorial Board to manage publications
  • Discoverable research beneficial for millions of people

Abstracting and Indexing

Indexed in:

Acceptance Criteria

A paper essentially needs to be logically valid and theoretically comprehensive in methodology and analysis achieve publication spot in the Pakistan Journal of Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. We evaluate submitted manuscriptson the basis of significance to the subject matter,interest evoking forreaders, research methodology, writeup and ethical standards.

Editorial Board

Editorial Board plays the role of spine in the success of the journal. The Editorial Board of the Pakistan Journal of Professional Psychology: Research and Practice (PJPPRP) includes the Editor in chief, Editorial Board Members including Associate and assistant Editors. 

Members for editorial Board are selected on stringent criteria.

The Editorial Board of Pakistan Journal of Professional Psychology: Research and Practice of is accountable for sustaining the quality, improving the impact of journal and contributing in the development of diverse community.

Reviewer's Database

Pakistan Journal of Professional Psychology: Research and Practice maintains their database of reviewers. The database guides us to choose expert reviewer for the specific area of the research article. Two independent reviewers (National and International) review the articles.

Ethics in Publication

Pakistan Journal of Professional Psychology: Research and Practice sticks to the ethical code of COPE. The editors of the PJPPRP impose a meticulous peer-review procedure along with firm ethical principles to guarantee top notch scientific work.  

Journal Frequency

Pakistan Journal of Professional Psychology: Research and Practice is published biannually (i.e. January-June & July-December). The journal PJPPRP started in 2006 and it started publication on regular basis since 2011. Additionally PJPPRP started its biannual issues in 2018.