Development of Metacognitive Scale for Adolescents
The major aim of this study was to develop a metacognition scale in Urdu for school-aged students within the context of Pakistani culture, and its psychometric characteristics were also determined (age ranging from 11 to 17 years). The metacognitive model and literature review served as the foundation for the item pool generation. Items were pilot tested on 90 school students by using convenient sampling technique. The sample was selected from various public and private schools in Gujrat, and Lalamusa. Exploratory factor analysis was conducted in order to identify the underlying factors. Exploratory factor analysis confirmed 7 factor structure with 32 items. Confirmatory factor analysis was used for confirming the factors retained through EFA. The model indicated a good fit model with (CMIN/DF =183.16/104, CFI = .953, PGFI = .649, RMSEA = .041 and GFI = .955). The newly developed scale reliable assessment of metacognition among students and this scale showed Cronbach alpha of .975.

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