Depression, Anxiety, Stress, and Parental Bonding among with and without Alexithymic Adolescents


Sana Zainab
Naeema Arzeen
Saima Arzeen
Hayat Muhammad


The current study aimed to explore the differences in depression, anxiety, stress, and parental attachment between adolescents with and without alexithymia. A total of 350 adolescents aged 13-17 years participated in the study. They were divided into two groups: those with alexithymia (n= 220) and those without alexithymia (n= 130). Data was collected from various institutions in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, including both public and private institutions. The participating adolescents were administered with several assessment tools, namely the PBI, TAS, DASS and a consent form. The results revealed significant differences in mean scores for DASS and PBI; adolescents with alexithymia reported higher levels of depression, anxiety, stress and overprotection, compared to those without alexithymia. The study suggested that individuals who face difficulties in expressing their emotions (alexithymia) and experience overprotection during adolescence may be more prone to psychological distress than those who have no difficulties in expressing their emotions.


How to Cite
Sana Zainab, Naeema Arzeen, Saima Arzeen, & Hayat Muhammad. (2023). Depression, Anxiety, Stress, and Parental Bonding among with and without Alexithymic Adolescents. PJPPRP, 14(1).