Management of Positive and Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia with Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: A Case Study


*Mubeena Munir
Fakhra Wakil


Mr. Z. was a 35 years old man, educated up till eighth grade, eldest among five siblings and was a resident of Lahore. He was referred to the hospital with the complaints of hearing avoice which was commanding client about everyday life chores, suspiciousness that someone was trying to harm him and belief that people look and laugh at him. Healsoreported feelings of restlessness and social withdrawal.The clientwas diagnosed withSchizophrenia, Multiple Episodes, currently in Acute Episode on the basis of formal andinformal assessment.Thecase was conceptualized on Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and it was used to devise a management plan for the client. A total number of16 sessionswere conducted with him in which different techniques like normalization, ABC model for hallucination and delusion, coping strategies enhancement, challenging beliefs about voices and delusions through verbal challenging techniques and empirical testing, family counselling, relapse prevention were used for the management of symptoms.The client reported to have approximately 70% of improvement by the termination of therapy.


How to Cite
*Mubeena Munir, & Fakhra Wakil. (2021). Management of Positive and Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia with Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: A Case Study. PJPPRP, 12(1).