The present researchwasconducted to find outdistress in women with miscarriage and its relationshipwith religious rituals, spiritualand social support. Itwas hypothesized that social support, spiritual support, religiosity and number of miscarriages will likely to predict distress in miscarrying women. Correlatioal researchdesign was employed.Sample selected 100 participantsdivided in two groups,50 participants eachgroupusing purposive sampling.Sample was taken from two different hospitals of Lahore.Both groups were matched on age, education, income level, occupation, family system and numberof children.Demographicquestionnaire, Religious activity scale (RAS: Sitwat, 2005),Spiritual support scale (SSS; Maton, 1989),Multidimensional scale of perceived social support (MSPSS; Zimet et al., 1988)and Center for epidemiologic studies depression scale (CES-D; Radloff, 1977)were employed to assess religious activities,beliefs,social support and level of distress in miscarriage. Findings depictedthat Social support, spiritual and number of miscarriages isrelated to distress in miscarrying women. Number of miscarriages and social support emerged as significant predictors of distress in miscarrying women. Religious activities and spiritual support were not significantly associatedwith the level of distress.

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