Personality Traits, Religiosity and Sensation Seeking Behavior among Homosexual Males


*Fareah Farooq
Dr. Masha Asad Khan
Dr. Tahira Jibeen


The present study aimed to investigate the personality traits (extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness & neuroticism), religiosity and sensation seeking behavior among homosexual males of Lahore. Through snowball sampling 100 male homosexuals,with an age rangebetween 19-59 years (M.A=27.01; S.D= 7.23) were included in thestudy. Majority of participants were middle born (39%), last born (34%), first born (12%) and only child (15%). Moreover, 3% had done Matric, 20% had done intermediate, 43%had completed their bachelors, 21%had done masters whereas, 13% had other education.Participants were administeredThe Sensation Seeking (SSS), Big Five Inventory (BFI),Salience in Religious Commitment Scale (SRCS)and Demographic Questionnaire. Ex-post Facto research design was used. Data was analyzed using Pearson’s Product Moment Coefficient of Correlation. Results showeda significantnegative relationship between sensation seeking behavior and agreeableness and neuroticism personality traits of homosexual males.Results showed that homosexual men are warm, friendly, helpful and they find it important to get along with people, furtherthey are also willing to put aside their interests for other people. Moreover, non-significantrelationship was ound between sensation seeking behavior andextroversion, conscientiousness,openness personality traits and religiosity amonghomosexual males.


How to Cite
*Fareah Farooq, Dr. Masha Asad Khan, & Dr. Tahira Jibeen. (2015). Personality Traits, Religiosity and Sensation Seeking Behavior among Homosexual Males. PJPPRP, 6(1).